This whole week was celebrated as 'Environment Week' in my little daughter's school. And we the parents were given the task of doing all the creative work at home.
The first day of the week was a fancy dress competition and we had to dress her up as a flower or a fruit. She dressed up as a sunflower.
The next day was nature walk day. So we had to make her a placard with nature slogans on it, dress her up in green attire and also ensure that she took green food to school.
Third day was rain dance day and it was a lot of fun for the kids and thankfully no home work for the parents.
Fourth day was a drawing day in which kids were given a picture of grapes to colour. I had to make her practice colouring at home and she would colour everything else except those grapes !!!
The fifth and last day she had to carry a pic of a plant with herself and a parent in the frame. So now she is the proud owner of a little plant that she has named the 'happy plant'...
Nice fun-filled week with lots of activity. Its interesting to see how schools come up with such creative things to keep children and parents busy....
An attempt with much effort,intelligence and lots of interest which I think every parents may take. - maa, baba
Thank you baba....for taking out the time to read and for encouraging me always.....all this I have learned from you and ma :)
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