
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

5 Week Old Baby - What Your Baby's Doing Now: Diary of A New Mum

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So you've now stepped into practically the 2nd month!!! Wow...some achievement moms n dads!

There's so much going on now and you just don't have eyes for anything else other than that cute bundle, right? Great....This is just what your baby needs right now, and for months to come - your attention and love and cuddles and time....

What your 5-week baby will be doing:

  • Get ready to have some of the best fun moments with your baby now as your little one showers you with those newly learned smiles!
  • Baby's neck will be up better and sturdier.
  • Though baby is managing to position head better now, remember it will take many more months for baby's head to be absolutely stable. You always need to keep a hand behind baby's neck for support.
  • More tummy time to ease baby of any gas formation and to help baby position head better. Don't do it for too long though, as baby may tire out.
  • Baby may even be able to turn head from side to side now.

  • Baby may now start focusing better
  • Big colours and shapes will attract baby and your little one may try and move its head from side to side to try and focus
  • Baby recognises your voice by now, and may start recognising the voice of other family members who are constantly around.
  • Baby is growing more alert and observant.
  • This is a time when baby begins to develop memory, but the memory span is quite short, so that when something is not directly in front, it is promptly forgotten.
  • Your baby may be crying a lot, and this could be due to various reasons.
  • Some babies are colicky, and if your baby has been crying non-stop for about 30-45 minutes, it is time to discuss with baby's pediatrician.
  • Remember to burp baby after each feed as it will help soothe colic.
  • Though most often babies cry due to hunger, sleep or soiled diaper, some babies may want to cry just like that. This could go on for about a few months in the future.
  • If your baby cries a lot and without any apparent reason, and nothing seems to soothe baby, you should have a word with baby's pediatrician.

  • Now is the time when baby will begin sleeping better at night. Of course baby will be waking up in between for feeds, but overall, sleep will be more restful and less disturbed and for longer periods of time.
  • According to experts, try and put your baby to bed when baby is drowsy enough but still awake. This will help baby fall asleep on their own.
  • Of course not all babies are same, so you may need to understand your baby's needs before you can establish a routine.
  • Some babies will suckle off to sleep and have it no other way, while some will sleep only in your arms.

Mommy Needs:
  • This is a great time to start getting out of the house, if you haven't already done so (which is true in most cases)
  • Start taking small trips near home, and eventually plan for a weekend getaway or a bigger trip
  • If you have older kids, chances are there is some tantrum and broken hearts in the house, especially if you have been unable to devote as much time to your other children as you earlier did. This is true in all cases. 
  • Try and take some time with your other child. Sit for a movie at home, cuddle up and read together, play a board game, go for a fun time at the park while daddy sits with baby at the bench, head to the mall for a while. Basically, do some fun things with your other child so that they don't feel left out.
  • Make sure you go out there and connect with those you want to. Don't stay in the house all the time. Connect with the outside world and stay happy.
Remember, these special moments will pass off really enjoy each bit of it...And remember to take lots of picture! :-)

- Debolina Raja Gupta
And like I always believe in and say:
'Heal the world we live in
Save it for our children' - MJ
Happy Parenting!!!!

Be good to your little one, and to the millions of little ones out there who truly need every bit of love and compassion they can get.....Be a grown the little ones.... Debolina Raja Gupta

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