
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Donkey Donkey Donkey: Whoooops !!!!!

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So the younger one has been speaking and I mean, really really speaking a lot - quite a sudden leap from how much she was speaking when she was 18 months to how much she is speaking now at 21 months....

She picks up any and every word and language and keeps on saying them on repeat mode.. So it could be a poem, a song, a laugh word, a regular come here kind of thing, objects, people, and even, yes, DONKEY....

No....wasn't me...I didn't use the word. It wasn't me who said it in front of her. Nope.....The 'other' parent used to call her 'donkey' baby just out of fun, and it was mentioned multiple times (by moi) that it would come back one day, from that very same 'donkey' baby.

And it has !!! So now, the younger miss suddenly gets up on her tiny toes, puckers up her mouth, smiles with those twinkly eyes and says - DONKEY DONKEY DONKEY DONKEY DONKEY!!! And yes, it's definitely not restricted to the 'inside' of the home. So you can imagine....

I have started the damage control, but let me tell you, at the present, it is wayyyy beyond let's see how we fare on that....

And till then, well, let me get used to those looks......!!!

- Debolina Raja Gupta

And like I always believe in and say:
'Heal the world we live in
Save it for our children' - MJ

Happy Parenting!!!! Be good to your little one, and to the millions of little ones out there who truly need every bit of love and compassion they can get.....Be a grown the little ones.... Debolina Raja Gupta

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